In the tests, participants were asked to listen to a constant fuzzy sound known as white noise. 在实验中,受测者被要求聆听持续不断的模糊的声响,它被称之为白色噪音。
Exasperated White House officials have told me repeatedly there would not have been any European sanctions, never mind tough ones, without constant nudging and pushing from the White House. 愤怒的白宫官员们再三告诉我,如果不是白宫不断施压敦促,欧洲都不会实施制裁,更别说出台严厉的制裁措施了。
The design research on the constant current driver for high power white LED 大功率白光LED恒流驱动芯片的设计研究
However, there is one constant the city is still overwhelmingly white. 不过有一点始终未变金融城仍是白人的天下。
Design of Constant Current LDO Driver for Power White LED 恒流LDO型串联大功率白光LED驱动器的设计
Design research on the high-precision programming constant current driver of the white light LED 高精度可编程恒流驱动白光LED芯片设计研究编译程序的诊断程序
Effect of 0.2T Constant Magnetic Fields on Chemotherapeutic Phlebitis in White Rabbits 稳恒0.2T磁场对白兔化疗性静脉炎的影响
The noise in constant beam-width beam space is spatial correlative and color ( non white), which affects the performance of wide-band-beam-space high resolution DOA ( Direction of Arrival) estimator. 恒定束宽波束域噪声是空间相关的非白噪声,这给宽带波束域高分辨方位估计方法的性能带来影响。
A filter algorithm of bayesian state estimation using piecewise constant was proposed for a nonlinear stochastic system with white noises. 针对具有高斯噪声的非线性随机系统状态估计问题,提出了一种基于分段常值的贝叶斯状态估计滤波算法。
The constant modulus blind equalization technique is investigated over a slow Rayleigh fading ionospheric channels with additive white Gaussian noise. 研究通过具有加性高斯白噪声的瑞利慢衰落电离层信道的恒模盲均衡技术。
Methods: Firstly model light-induced retinal degeneration mini-pigs by constant white light exposing 6 months. 方法:本研究首先用白色荧光灯持续照射6月以上,建立小型猪的光诱导视网膜变性模型。
The chi-square test and K-S test showed that the generated samples complied to Gaussian distribution. The sharp characteristic of the auto-correlation function of the samples and approximate constant value of the power spectral density showed that the samples had the white noise property. χ2和K-S检验结果表明,产生的样本服从高斯分布,且样本尖锐的自相关特性及近似常数的功率谱密度样本具有白噪声特性。
A constant current driver with a very low dropout voltage for the white light LED is designed. 完成了一种具有极低脱落电压(LDO)的白光LED恒流驱动芯片的设计。
Methods: A pig model was made with HY& I tpye constant pressure pump and white young domestic pigs. 方法:用HY&Ⅰ型恒压灌注泵和白色小家猪制作持续扩张动物模型。
After constant physical and spiritual struggles Lurie fashions himself as an aging white losing all his power in this land. 与社会各种力量较量过后,卢里把自己形塑成为一个在这块土地上失去权力的老年白人。
In this paper, the author describes the design principles of switching power supply, which is based on the constant current source, especially the car headlights were instead of white LED as a coal mine lighting applications. 在本论文中,介绍了基于恒流源式的开关电源设计的原理,特别是以白光LED取代以前用的汽车前大灯作为煤矿井下的照明灯具的应用。